Please make your voice heard in the Republican primary on Jan. 19. I work diligently every day advocating for you, the taxpayer, and I will continue that advocacy on County Council.
I’m a conservative, political outsider, wife, mom, and local CPA who believes the people of our community should have a strong voice on County Council. We can’t keep electing the same politically-connected insiders and expect different results.
It’s easy to focus on politics outside of our county right now. Our hearts break for what happened in Washington this week. As a conservative, I believe that local government matters far more. It’s where real change happens the fastest.
Local government is also where elected officials are the most responsive. If elected, I’ll listen to our local citizens and put their concerns first.
Are you frustrated with our roads and over-development? How about the concerns of working people and small business owners? Do you think our education system is adequately serving our students?
These are all issues that I’m passionately talking about in my run for County Council. Our kids’ futures are too important to run on the same tired, old political slogans.
I feel called to serve the people of Spartanburg County. My husband and I were born and raised here, and we currently live in Roebuck with our 3-year-old son and newborn daughter. I love everything about Spartanburg County, but the people of District 6 make it a special place to call home.
I am a Dorman High School graduate and obtained a Bachelor’s of Science in Accounting and a Masters of Professional Accountancy with a concentration in Taxation from Clemson University.
My mother and I are partners in the accounting firm Smith and Coker LLC, located in downtown Spartanburg. My faith and family are the most important things to me, but a close third is my clients.
As a local accountant, I work with many small businesses that have struggled the last year, and I have made it my mission to ensure everyone receives the help they need to get through this pandemic.
That level of commitment is what I show to my clients, and it’s what I’ll show the people of District Six, too. I’ll work with the County Council to make sure as much money is kept in your pockets as possible so we can build a better, stronger, and more secure future for the next generation.
As a small business owner myself, I know how important we are to employment and our economy. On County Council, I will always focus on supporting small businesses, their owners, and employees.
Massive investment from global companies has made Spartanburg County a hub for economic activity. Let’s bring more people and small businesses into the orbit of such companies by investing in workforce development and tech training. I know our local colleges and technical schools are ready and willing to help. Let’s put them to work!
As a mom, I lose sleep worrying about our education system. How can we do more to help kids grow and prosper? I believe County Council should work closely with Spartanburg County’s school districts to get all public schools to a top rating. Parents will rest easier knowing their child is obtaining the best education available, no matter where they have chosen to reside.
Speaking of, school locations should be in the best interests of kids and families, not those who benefit from new construction. Let’s also make sure proper roads, turn lanes, and crosswalks exist around new schools before opening the doors.
I’ve been a part of this community since I was a child and have been excited to see it grow. If elected to County Council, I will continue to work hard for our citizens to improve our county.
Thank you for your consideration and vote.
Jessica Coker is a CPA at Smith and Coker LLC. She is a candidate for Spartanburg County Council in District Six.